
I teach courses in mechanics, control systems, and design. The applications range from purely engineering to biological.

MENG 390 - Mechatronics

  • Hands-on synthesis of control systems, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering. Review of Laplace transforms, transfer functions, software tools for solving ODEs. Review of electronic components and introduction to electronic instrumentation. Introduction to sensors; mechanical power transmission elements; programming microcontrollers; PID control.

MENG 459 / BENG 459 / ENAS 559 - Neuromuscular Biomechanics

  • This course covers topics on mechanics and control of animal movement, including skeletal muscle mechanics, systems-level neural and sensory physiology, elements of feedback control and optimal control. At the end of the course, you are expected to become procient in deriving equations of motion for multibody mechanical systems that are actuated by muscles (or muscle-like motors), incorporate sensory feedback, and analyze properties such as stability and energetics of such a system. The course will use textbook material for well-established topics, and journal articles to explore active areas of research in neuromuscular biomechanics.

MENG 489 - Mechanical Design

  • Study of the design process, including concept generation, project management, teamwork, detail design, and communication skills. Student teams implement a real-world design project with hardware objectives that can be achieved in a term, and a problem definition that allows room for creative solutions.